Glass Half Empty or Half Full? A View into Aptos Glass..


So is your glass half empty or half full? We are all trying to stay positive during these times when most are spending a lot of time at home, and we need to try to turn the news off and focus on what we are thankful for, keep our priorities straight, and think outside our own bubble of life!

Santa Cruz Doors is trying to help keep doors open, and today’s feature is about our local Aptos Glass & Ideal Windows. Please read their story and get better view through their window:

Tell us how long you've been in business here?

Chris has been part of Aptos Glass since 1992 and then I (Carrie) started a year later in 1993 to make sure it was going to be a good fit.  We decided to buy the business and took it over officially in January of 1995.

How did you get started?

Chris had been working as a glazer previously in town but knew that, eventually, he wanted to run his own business in town.  He sought out the job at Aptos Glass knowing that in the next few years it would be up for sale, and once I started working there, we realized that this was our opportunity.  We raised both of our children in the office and have continued to keep family at the center of everything we do. It has continued to be a labor of love, and considering our son Jacob now works with us, it means that much more.


What do you love about Aptos/Santa Cruz?

The most important piece of Aptos and Santa Cruz, for us, is the community.  As our clients know, family is the most important thing to us.  We do our best to take care of our clients as if they are family, and especially during a time like this we see just how much people care for one another in our little town.  We pride ourselves on serving our community now with the same love and authenticity that we always have.

How has your business been affected by the pandemic and shelter-in-place?

The real question is how has it NOT affected our business.  It has impacted us in every sense. Vendors are struggling to produce and ship products which has been challenging, but we are lucky to still have material to work with. The phones are quiet because people are hesitant to do any home improvements right now outside of what they can do themselves.  We also hate that we can't be as hands-on with our clients as we typically are - we miss the relationships we've built.  We are anxiously waiting for the days when our customers can pop by the office again just to say "hello."

How have you made adjustments and how can we as a community support you?

We are more than happy to offer curbside delivery – we can still offer mirrors, glass, screens, and windows.  We can also call when your products are ready to be picked up in the event that you would prefer a reason to get out of the house for a few minutes!  It's also important that people know it's a great time to do home improvements; with interest rates low and a number of great rebates available, it's truly an ideal time to replace that shower or those windows that you never seem to get around to.  As mentioned, we care for our clients like they are our own family. We'll make sure to take care of you and yours like they're part of ours.  After all, it takes a village, and this is the village we love most.    

